Portable personalization of my development environments. Updates are extremely stochastic, based on when I get new boxen. Suitability to any other environment is not assumed or desired.


Prior art

Ease of use


Similar to Homebrew, I wanted a one-line install command that I could run on a new machine and have it automatically do the needful for me.

The install script will load Homebrew/oh-my-zsh, install all my Brewfile dependencies, and then symlink any config files I use from the repo into their correct places. It also installs an alias, dotsync, that I can use to sync my changes from other machines.


When I run the install script, it will prompt me for the password to my age key. Using this key, I can encrypt any sensitive files in the repo, and decrypt/symlink them locally.


I’ve largely cargo-culted settings from Mathias’ dotfiles, which streamline a lot of the macOS settings. I plan on auditing this a little more.